Your choice
our listening
Grossesse-secours (pregnancy help)
Your choice, our listening services
Continuing a pregnancy
Continuing a pregnancy is a choice. Each pregnancy is unique depending on the needs of the parents. Several options for managing your pregnancy exist. -
Abortion is a safe, legal and accessible option in Canada. You have the right to receive accurate and complete information about abortion if you are considering this option. -
You can also decide to carry the pregnancy to term and then give the child up for adoption.
A Guide to Help You Decide
When you’re uncertain about your pregnancy
Download this guide which contains a variety of questions to ask yourself if you're experiencing an unplanned pregnancy.
This guide is a good starting point to help you in your process.
Grossesse-Secours services
Helpline, chat or meeting at our offices
Grossesse-Secours offers confidential support and neutral information on planned or unplanned pregnancy through its helpline, chat and in-person meetings. Grossesse-Secours uses a free-choice approach. Our counsellors are trained to deal with a range of pregnancy-related issues, including abortion, adoption, contraception, pregnancy continuation and ambivalence about options. -
Pregnancy test
Grossesse-Secours provides free urine pregnancy tests on its premises and support based on the results, according to your needs. It’s always best to book an appointment in advance. -
Sex education
Grossesse-Secours' sexology counsellor travels to community and school settings to give workshops and set up sex education booth. -
Contraceptive prescription
At Grossesse-Secours, you can meet with a qualified nurse, who can prescribe the contraception of your choice. She can assess your needs and give you more information about the various methods of contraception. This service is available by appointment only. -
Abortion support
Grossesse-Secours offers support to anyone needing help during an abortion appointment. -
Menstrual health and hygiene
At Grossesse-Secours, we can offer menstrual hygiene products to the Greater Montreal community directly from our premises. Contact us for more information.
Our listening, your help
Your support is invaluable. By making a donation, you help promote freedom of choice in the community. Everyone deserves help and to be heard, in accordance with their values and choices. As a community organization, we can issue a tax receipt for every donation you make.
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