MTL 514 271-0554 Toll-free 1 877 271-0555 Monday to Sunday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
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Helpline, chat or meeting at our offices

Grossesse-Secours offers a neutral, confidential and anonymous listening, information and referral service, with an emphasis on freedom of choice.

Help line

A counsellor is available on our helpline to speak to anyone directly or indirectly affected by a planned or unplanned pregnancy. This counsellor will listen carefully to your needs without judgement and will respect your choices.

Our helpline is available Monday to Sunday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.


A counsellor offers chat support to anyone directly or indirectly concerned about an issue relating to a planned or unplanned pregnancy.

Our chat service is available Monday to Sunday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

On-site meetings

A counsellor can meet with you at the Grossesse-Secours offices, alone or accompanied, to discuss your pregnancy-related concerns. You can also take a free urine pregnancy test. Whatever the result, and only if you express the wish, we can offer you support and guide you in your decision-making.

We have many tools to help you make a decision. This support is confidential and takes place in a neutral environment.

It’s best to book an appointment in advance to ensure that one of our counsellors is available.

On-site appointments are available Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. To book an appointment, call us at 514 271-0554.

Our listening services aren’t an emergency or medical information service. For any health issues requiring an immediate response, please call emergency services (by dialling 911) or the Info-Santé service line (by dialling 811).

Chat – how does it work?

  • To chat with one of our online counsellors, click on the chat button in the bottom right-hand corner of the page to start chatting.
  • If you fail to reply for more than 10 minutes, the counsellor will invite you to contact us again at a time that’s more convenient for you.
  • If a counsellor isn’t available, you’ll be invited to contact us by email or telephone (514 271-0554) or to try again later.

Terms of use

Thank you in advance for using courteous language at all times during conversations. Messages of an offensive, hateful, obscene or discriminatory nature will not be tolerated. In such cases, the operator will automatically terminate the chat.

You have a question? Email us!

Our listening, your help

Your support is invaluable. By making a donation, you help promote freedom of choice in the community. Everyone deserves help and to be heard, in accordance with their values and choices. As a community organization, we can issue a tax receipt for every donation you make.

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Grossesse-Secours services

  • icon ear

    icon earHelpline, chat or meeting at our offices

    Grossesse-Secours offers confidential support and neutral information on planned or unplanned pregnancy through its helpline, chat and in-person meetings. Grossesse-Secours uses a free-choice approach. Our counsellors are trained to deal with a range of pregnancy-related issues, including abortion, adoption, contraception, pregnancy continuation and ambivalence about options.
  • icon Pregnancy Test

    icon Pregnancy TestPregnancy test

    Grossesse-Secours provides free urine pregnancy tests on its premises and support based on the results, according to your needs. It’s always best to book an appointment in advance.
  • icon book

    icon bookSex education

    Grossesse-Secours' sexology counsellor travels to community and school settings to give workshops and set up sex education booth.
  • icon Contraceptive Prescription

    icon Contraceptive PrescriptionContraceptive prescription

    At Grossesse-Secours, you can meet with a qualified nurse, who can prescribe the contraception of your choice. She can assess your needs and give you more information about the various methods of contraception. This service is available by appointment only.
  • icon hands

    icon handsAbortion support

    Grossesse-Secours offers support to anyone needing help during an abortion appointment.
  • icon Menstrual hygiene

    icon Menstrual hygieneMenstrual health and hygiene

    At Grossesse-Secours, we can offer menstrual hygiene products to the Greater Montreal community directly from our premises. Contact us for more information.